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"We want to start a revolution in the coffee market in Canada and the United States to change way coffee purchases are thought so that they have much more respect for the producer. For me, specialty coffee is more of a thought. It's not just about quality. It means having a fair price for the producer who takes care of the land and also the environment. For me, the RENACER School is changing the lives of coffee growers because they suffer too much right now and the international market, the C market, is forcing the producer not to take care of the farm and lower his costs as much as possible. It is better to produce with a thought of taking care of the soil, in a more organic way and taking care of the environment. This is why we have to pay for this work and pay for this thought. My job with the marketing and commercialization of our coffee, roasted in Canada, is to teach our customers that it is very important to pay more for coffee, also to share with them the whole history of the producers, the way they are managing their farm which is almost 100% organic. With the RENACER School I have a lot of confidence with them and they connect us with producers who are working to have the best quality coffee and that's how we were lucky enough to find Rosa. We were able to get to know her farm, talk more about the history of her family, what kind of varieties she is planting, what plans she has. In the second year of working with her we brought them a bag of coffee, their own coffee that we are importing into Canada and roasting. And when see it, they see the profit they have now, they show hopes for the future of having buyers who are paying the right price for their work" explains Louis Philippe Brouillette, director of Fantome Café.@ICC_PROFILE0ADBEmntrRGB XYZ acspAPPLnone-ADBE cprt2desc0kwtptbkptrTRCgTRCbTRCrXYZgXYZbXYZtextCopyright 1999 Adobe Systems IncorporateddescAdobe RGB (1998)XYZ QXYZ curv3curv3curv3XYZ OXYZ 4,XYZ &1/ Photoshop 3.08BIM }Z%G#Coffee #CoffeeLands #WaterSheds #ElSalvador #ElSalvador#RENACER#ASA#SoilRegenaration#WaterConservation#ClimateChange720240122< 205016-0700>20240122? 205016-0700P Oscar LeivaP Oscar Leiva Marinero - SilverligU Photojournalist - Documentary phi BLUE HARVEST RENACER EL SALVADORn Photo: Oscar Leiva Marinero. / CtAll rights ReservedxRosa Alba Castro Galicia de Escamilla and her husband Alfredo Escamilla Monzón, show coffee they produce on their farm "Pedacito de Cielo" located in Cerro Laguna Verde, Apaneca, Ahuachapán, El Salvador and toasted by Fantome Coffee in Canada. "We want to start a revolution in the coffee market in Canada and the United States to change way coffee purchases are thought so that they have much more respect for the producer. For me, specialty coffee is more of a thought. It's not just about quality. It means having a fair price for the producer who takes care of the land and also the environment. For me, the RENACER School is changing the lives of coffee growers because they suffer too much right now and the international market, the C market, is forcing the producer not to take care of the farm and lower his costs as much as possible. It is better to produce with a thought of taking care of the soil, in a more organic way and taking care of the environment. This is why we have to pay for this work and pay for this thought. My job with the marketing and commercialization of our coffee, roasted in Canada, is to teach our customers that it is very important to pay more for coffee, also to share with them the whole history of the producers, the way they are managing their farm which is almost 100% organic. With the RENACER School I have a lot of confidence with them and they connect us with producers who are working to have the best quality coffee and that's how we were lucky enough to find Rosa. We were able to get to know her farm, talk more about the history of her family, what kind of varieties she is planting, what plans she has. In the second year of working with her we brought them a bag of coffee, their own coffee that we are importing into Canada and roasting. And when see it, they see the profit they have now, they show hopes for the future of having buyers who are paying the right price for their work" explains Louis Philippe Brouillette, director of Fantome C-http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ Oscar Leiva Oscar Leiva Marinero - Silverlight Photo VIdeo #Coffee #CoffeeLands #WaterSheds #ElSalvador #ElSalvador #RENACER #ASA #SoilRegenaration #WaterConservation #ClimateChange All rights Reserved Rosa Alba Castro Galicia de Escamilla and her husband Alfredo Escamilla Monzón, show coffee they produce on their farm "Pedacito de Cielo" located in Cerro Laguna Verde, Apaneca, Ahuachapán, El Salvador and toasted by Fantome Coffee in Canada. "We want to start a revolution in the coffee market in Canada and the United States to change way coffee purchases are thought so that they have much more respect for the producer. For me, specialty coffee is more of a thought. It's not just about quality. It means having a fair price for the producer who takes care of the land and also the environment. For me, the RENACER School is changing the lives of coffee growers because they suffer too much right now and the international market, the C market, is forcing the producer not to take care of the farm and lower his costs as much as possible. It is better to produce with a thought of taking care of the soil, in a more organic way and taking care of the environment. This is why we have to pay for this work and pay for this thought. My job with the marketing and commercialization of our coffee, roasted in Canada, is to teach our customers that it is very important to pay more for coffee, also to share with them the whole history of the producers, the way they are managing their farm which is almost 100% organic. With the RENACER School I have a lot of confidence with them and they connect us with producers who are working to have the best quality coffee and that's how we were lucky enough to find Rosa. We were able to get to know her farm, talk more about the history of her family, what kind of varieties she is planting, what plans she has. In the second year of working with her we brought them a bag of coffee, their own coffee that we are importing into Canada and roasting. And when see it, they see the profit they have now, they show hopes for the future of having buyers who are paying the right price for their work" explains Louis Philippe Brouillette, director of Fantome Café. 0, 0 255, 255 0, 0 255, 255 0, 0 255, 255 0, 0 255, 255 -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000 Mandatory credit on photo info - Watermark not neccesary C    !'"#%%%),($+!$%$C   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>!1AQ"aq2#$R3BCbr(!1A"Qa2Bq# ?.Ӑ 3*?㤜0tU1r`=pj?$'C9Tq;qՌި"ze&BDhJb.5jHABiF,Wj[UltT)YHz$Y# ];| 1Cm Q!ܯܟ9՟RRCIjY;s:N{@OCj9, N6VuN|T<%M5+ b66> S>I釞[[QmО1pOc]gʬ^ȉ:a1>)NVl:c%@ڼp'GL--x7I=UAA&v0)1)ۮoJ_v%' 9Xq"6'Z238"nTg@x%Yl(Tp_FA)0F"tF-vHVaN@%N+a6֖JXa6ձheM[2Q΂5F}QYq`]d u4ߥ1G!ĹZAV.ա1SH\{d=ڬ19;m{:*" Pʪ`Ny>\E4A5ζ(g&^O>c uTک-TWR$hHnQ:NsI! w9544EOSdyOẓz)zzeCYM,3988Xm^9STn0B!<8>۩M,sy %=3^gzYj ۀN cI[U\P, EOIq;ETOU`L)PQV@։z~^mJZ ZBz(*xd=ORm3),JXF>@%{(*"?#EJNRSQUzӖȠ ~;@I.qQI $ V,? 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